Thursday, April 17, 2008

Fictional/Historical Character Day

Kids were with X yesterday, so I didn't get to see their stuff on until after school. They actually did *nothing* for Kira...she had no costume at all, not even a feeble attempt at one.

I had made Mark's ahead of time and sent it to X on Saturday so it would be all ready to go. So pictures had to wait until after baseball practice today. And here we are:

Mild-mannered reporter Clark Kent....

He hears a cry for help....

And strips away his secret identity.....

To become.....



The Beast Mom said...

You know, this photo commentary just makes it all real for me. Thanks! Your kids are cool (and fun). I hope my kids still do stuff like this when they're older.


Anonymous said...

very cool...too bad about K though

Anonymous said...

I love this. It must be so great to be superman's mom!!!