Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Where Mark Is Today

My friend Kimmie works at Perkins School for the Blind. The owner of the Boston Celtics (Wyc Grousbeck) has a son who goes there. In fact, that's how he got to the area and ended up purchasing the team.

So Kimmie occasionally gets some Celtics-related perks. She got two tickets to a game awhile back and took Mark. And the team comes to the school occasionally for programs. One of the programs they do is Read to Achieve, where several members of the team come to the school, read to the students, and then help with arts and crafts. So when the program was scheduled for today, she immediately thought of Mark and called me.

She's actually kinda sneaking him in, but once he's there he will be volunteering. .He'll help with the arts and crafts. He's been to Perkins before, met a bunch of the students, and he'll do a great job with that.

SO. Hopefully he'll get a hat autographed and get some pictures. We'll see when he gets home, (obscenely) late tonight! mk

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