Sunday, February 15, 2009

Road Trip, February version

The kids are with their dad most of this week. I have a big stretch of time to fill. Unfortunately I have a couple of little things scattered through those days, so I can't do any extended traveling, but I am also insane to get out of here and do something different.

Equals: Road Trip. Within Maine. Tomorrow's no good, I'll be priming panels for the eighth grade dinner auction decorations. Tuesday morning I have a therapy appointment. Thursday is the eighth grade painting/work party at school. Friday the kids come home. SO. The game plan is to take off after therapy on Tuesday and come home Wednesday night.

I have a destination in mind. I have a couple of other places to possibly check out. I shall be bringing my camera. My iPod. My GPS.

Should be a trip. I. Can't. Wait. mk

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