This will be a good year.
Setup will be last-minute, because the forecast says wind and snow Sunday morning, so we're going to have to pull it all together in one day, which is freaking me out, but I'm sure we'll be able to do it. I have the kids this year (traded for tomorrow, when X is taking them to see his sister-in-law in a roller derby in Portland). Still need to work out exactly what Kira is wearing, but that'll come together, and bring down all the big boxes of props from the third floor.
Tomorrow night Michelle, Brenda and I will go out dancing, and I like my costume idea this year. I'm going to be a Titanic non-survivor. Wearing the deep purple full-length bridesmaid dress I wore in 1999 (yes, I've kept it. Who knows why. Wait, I do...for this!), I've made a life ring that says Titanic on it to carry as a prop, and I will be cold and dead and drowned. Yay theatrical makeup!
Michelle is going as Red Riding Hood, and Brenda will be a sexy sailor girl. She got a costume pre-made, but was a little unhappy with how tight it was, so we picked out some glittery gold ribbon and I deconstructed the sides of the dress and inset the ribbon (freakin glitter EVERYWHERE now). It should be just right now. (She's also got a pair of very high gold heels, which are just a little too small for her, and she intends to give them to me after Halloween. Shoooooooes!!!)
Interestingly, that's the only sewing I have to do this year! My dress still fits perfectly (which I'm a little depressed about, actually), and for Kira's costume I ordered an actual proper uniform, so that'll be all set.
Kira will be a dead cheerleader. :D
We'll get started on her makeup about 2 hours before the Carnival, since I have to deaden her arms and legs too, in addition to putting bruises and scars and blood. Originally we were going to have half of her face terribly burned, with parts of it peeling away, but she is hoping that a BOY SHE LIKES (oh eek) will be going to the dance afterwards, and didn't want to be dancing with him (-if- they were to dance together) with a peeling face. Sheesh. I can't understand why not. :P
I -did- make the pom-poms to go with her costume, as I am apparently incapable of having an entire costume be purchased. :P The pom-poms were easy to make, cost $3 total, made from plastic tablecloth fabric. I'm not wild about the slight mis-match of color on the yellow with the gold-yellow on her costume, but she's ok with it and I just keep reminding myself it's JUST a Halloween costume, for a 2-hour Carnival, blah blah blah, but you know me. These details get to me. (deep breath. let it goooooooo)
So, those are the Halloween plans for this year. Oh, and Michelle and I are going to see Paranormal Activity 3 on Sunday. :D
Just for something fun, for the last couple of weeks, I've been changing my profile picture on Facebook every day to some horror image or another, mostly movie stills. Today it's a collage of scenes from 'Psycho.' I have also put in a couple of art pieces (Jamie Wyeth's Pumpkinhead: Self-Portrait, Charles Allan Gilbert's All is Vanity) and two digital media pieces an artistic friend has created (Entrance to Desecration, and Ghost Town wallpaper--a friend of mine commented and asked if that was my dream home, to which I replied 'of course!').
Well, I have a couple of hours before I have to start transforming my beautiful living daughter into a horrifying dead cheerleader, so off I go, attempting to be productive. :P
Let me know -your- plans for this Halloween weekend! mk