Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Gotta Find My Game Face

OK, I no longer have any time to screw around. We are seriously in the holiday season, and I have a ton of stuff to accomplish, not least of which is a birthday party next weekend. I need to get my head together, gather my focus, and get a game plan.

But first, the updates:

Mark does NOT need surgery (thank the Lord). He is in a cast for four weeks. He chose a blue one because it matches his team colors. Go team! Patti was the first one to sign it, last night after the Brownie meeting. She wrote, "Thumbs Up, Big Guy!" :D [and he successfully took a shower last night, using an AquaShield cast protector they gave us at the doctor's office. LOVE. IT.]

Brownie meeting went well. We made *gorgeous* holiday cards to send to the troops through the Operation Gratitude program. My head was a little spinny by the end (too much activity over the last few days), but made it through just fine. A. was not there.

It's looking like I'm not going to get a detailed description of this past weekend's festivities. So here's a summary:

Friday we saw Santa get off the Coast Guard boat. He saw Kira (and me, behind her--did I mention I know Santa?) and said, "My, you're really growing right up!" She was THRILLED. Then we went to see him at his workshop, got a picture (Mark actually participated. I was shocked. SHOCKED, I tell you. Kira was too shy to talk to him.). Took a horse-and-carriage ride through town. Popped into the toy store. Went to the Green Thumb (display was rather disappointing compared to previous years, but Kira loved it). Went to the tree lighting ceremony and had hot cocoa and sugar cookies. Mark took off at one point and I couldn't find him. Then while looking for him I couldn't find anyone else in the group, either. Whopping panic attack. Once all together, Kira decided to hunt down Santa, as she was determined to speak to him. Once we got to him (he said, "Hey, I saw you earlier!") all she could do was stare and kind of wave.

Saturday the Strand Cinema was showing a free surprise holiday film. They weren't telling what the movie was until it started. That was really fun. The movie turned out to be A Christmas Story. They showed Wile E. Coyote cartoons before they played the movie. It was great.

That night was the Parade of Lights, which was rather short, about 20 minutes, but the kids had fun.

I'll post some pictures, and then I really need to get myself going so I can map out a plan of attack for the next few days. mk

Look, it's almost a smile on Mark's face!
This is Molly. She's 18 years old, and weighs 1650 pounds.
They're waiting on me, I'd better get my butt up there!
My mom at Planet Toy. She likes hats.

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